Google’s August 2024 Core Update: Everything You Need to Know

Google algorithm update process August 2024, how it affects your website

Google’s August Core Update is here, and if you’re in the world of SEO, you’ve likely felt its impact. But what exactly did Google change, and why should you care? In this article, we’ll break down the specifics of the update, explain what Google is aiming to achieve, and help you understand how these changes might affect your website.

Google’s core updates are broad changes to its search algorithms and systems that aim to improve how content is evaluated and ranked. The August Core Update is no different, and it comes with several specific changes that could affect your site’s performance.

  1. Improved Content Relevance:
    • Enhanced algorithms to better understand context and match content with user intent.
    • Greater emphasis on contextually relevant content over sheer keyword presence.
  2. Increased Focus on Content Freshness:
    • Updated algorithms to prioritize recent, up-to-date content in search results.
    • A stronger push for websites to regularly update older content.
  3. Strengthened Core Web Vitals Metrics:
    • Further integration of Core Web Vitals (page speed, visual stability, interactivity) into ranking factors.
    • Sites with poor user experience metrics may see a decline in rankings.
  4. Refined E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness):
    • Tighter evaluation criteria for determining site credibility, particularly in YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) niches.
    • Increased importance of authoritative backlinks and references.
  5. Enhanced Spam Detection:
    • Advanced mechanisms to detect and demote low-quality, spammy content.
    • Improved filtering of manipulative SEO tactics like keyword stuffing and cloaking.
  6. Impact on Smaller Websites:
    • Increased Visibility for High-Quality Small Sites
    • Potential for Increased Competition

Google’s primary goal with these updates is to enhance the search experience by delivering more accurate, reliable, and useful results. As search behavior evolves and more information becomes available online, Google’s algorithms must adapt to ensure users find the best content available. This update reflects Google’s ongoing commitment to improving how it evaluates content, focusing on relevance, user experience, and trustworthiness.

  • Rankings Fluctuations: It’s common to see changes in your rankings following a core update. If your site has lost rankings, it could be due to issues with content relevance, E-A-T, or user experience. Conversely, if you’ve seen a boost, it’s likely because your site aligns well with Google’s new criteria.
  • Changes in Traffic: Ranking shifts often lead to changes in traffic. If your rankings have dropped, it’s essential to review your content and site performance to identify areas for improvement. On the other hand, if you’ve gained traffic, it’s a sign that your content is meeting Google’s new standards.

If you run a smaller site, this update could be an opportunity to gain more visibility if your content is genuinely useful and well-targeted. The key is to ensure that your content meets Google’s enhanced standards for quality, relevance, and user experience.

Web professional doing a website audit to make sure website is up to date and adapted to Googles latest update

  • Conduct a Content Audit: Review your website’s content to ensure it’s relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with the latest SEO best practices. Pay particular attention to how well your content matches user intent and consider updating or expanding older articles.
  • Improve Your E-A-T: Strengthen your site’s credibility by showcasing your expertise. Add author bios, link to authoritative sources, and provide clear, accurate information. This is especially important if you operate in a YMYL niche.
  • Enhance User Experience: Focus on improving page load times, mobile-friendliness, and overall usability. Address any issues highlighted by Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics to ensure your site provides a smooth, enjoyable experience for users.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep a close eye on your site’s performance over the coming weeks. Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to track changes in traffic, rankings, and user engagement. This will help you understand how the update is affecting your site and where you might need to make adjustments.
happy user interacting with a well-performing website, signifying the benefits of staying up-to-date with Google’s changes

The August Core Update is a reminder that SEO is an ongoing process requiring continuous attention and adaptation. By understanding the changes Google has made and taking proactive steps to align your site with these new standards, you can maintain or even improve your search rankings. Remember, SEO success comes from a commitment to quality, relevance, and user experience.

Click here: Get A Free Website Audit

If you’re concerned about how the August Core Update might have affected your site, we’re here to help. Reach out to us for a comprehensive SEO audit and tailored recommendations to keep your website performing at its best.
